Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Introducing: The Poteens

Perfect, sing it exactly like that when we perform. But you, don’t make him look bad. We all know you had extra training. Tone it down and don’t belt, please. Oh, before I forget, I just found out that their piano is all beat up, so we’ll need to set your keyboard to the right setting before we pack everything up. You know that one setting. I thought your keyboard had that one setting. We’ll figure out something, somehow; that new accordion guy we found lives near the place, so he’ll meet us there; I just filled the tank… Okay.

1 comment:

Mafgy said...

I'm retarded for not knowing who you are.

Anyway, too much homeworksa for me to stay on and read for the time being--but put up your follow-y shit so that I can follow you.